Monday, May 24, 2010

The Road... Less Traveled

"Through The Lens Of MEMORY..."

The interstate I thought I was meant to be on roared and screamed like the unfurled ribbon of modern efficiency it was designed to be, less than a mile to the North of me.  Through the fog and the timber I caught occasional glimpses of the weekday side of myself whizzing by, jockeying for position to be the 'winner', the first... to stand in line and wait somewhere.

Did I take a wrong turn after all?  Or did some deeper, wiser side of myself finally step into the melee of my frantic 'success' and slow my pace for a purpose?

I don't know.

But as the slow, time-blessed miles of old U.S. 70 slid silently past my thankful eyes and brushed the cheek of my too-hurried soul with a misty, cool hand of remembrance, I knew this much...

The PAST, and its healing power were not lost ~ they were just an exit away, on the road... less traveled.

CM Sackett


Joan of Argghh! said...

How lovely! The photos are just beautiful, but the truck. . . mmmm! Yummy!

CM Sackett said...

Ah Joan,

Good to see you here!

The truck? Yes... well, there's a story to that one. My mother traded in her '62 T-bird roadster on that truck for my dad's birthday... it's been a part of my life ever since.

In my family, you didn't "inherit" anything (8 siblings of various degree of 'blood'). To save grief, if you wanted anything from the family legacy, the price was figured... go get a job and BUY it., I did ~ almost 30 years ago. I did a frame off restoration of it 16 years ago (and made some 'improvements'. As dad used to say in the shop, 'FORD don't own it anymore!').

Anyway, she's been my daily driver for many years. Lord willin', she'll be in the same shape on the day my tent folds.
